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Volume 8, Issue 4 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2021)                   Iran J Ergon 2021, 8(4): 50-68 | Back to browse issues page

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Omidi M, Asgharzadeh A, Gharib S, Vahedi M, Jafarpisheh A S. The Efficiency and Usability Human-Computer Interface in Cervical Spinal Cord Injury by Game-based Electromyography Biofeedback and Electromyography Biofeedback. Iran J Ergon 2021; 8 (4) :50-68
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-717-en.html
1- MSc, Department of Ergonomics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- PhD Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
4- Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5- Assistant Professor, Department of Ergonomics, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran , jafarpisheh@gmail.com
Abstract:   (8239 Views)
Background and Objectives: The proliferation of computers, along with the development of software and the Internet, has revolutionized the work and life of people with disabilities, including those with spinal cord injuries with limited mobility in the arms. The efficiency and usability of the aids provided to these people is very important; because they have more limitations than ordinary people. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency and usability of human-computer interface in cervical spinal cord injury with two biofeedback EMG methods based on computer games and without computer games.
Methods: The sample size was 20 participants (healthy and with spinal cervical lesions) who were selected regarding availability. The statistical population of the study (that was conducted 2019-2020) was spinal cord injury patients referred to spinal cord injury clinic in Tehran. Participants received three 30-minute sessions per week for 1 month of EMG biofeedback training and game-based biofeedback interventions. SPSS version 23 was used for data analysis.
Results: Results showed that participants considered using EMG biofeedback and game biofeedback as 75/8% and 72/0% usability. Over time, the “through put” numerical values of the variable decreased in healthy individuals and spinal cord injury. Also, the numerical values of this variable were lower in healthy individuals than in individuals with spinal cord injuries. The maximum reduction in numerical values of the “through put” variable appeared between the first and sixth sessions.
Conclusion: The EMG and gaming biofeedback system can be used for interaction and control such as computers, wheelchairs, and more.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other Cases
Received: 2020/05/13 | Accepted: 2020/11/21 | ePublished: 2020/12/28

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