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Introduction: Regarding the increasing growth in jobs dealing with computers and the development of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among VDT users, the assessment and identification of ergonomic risk factors are of greater importance. This study aimed to evaluate MSDs among office VDT users.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 71 participants (37 females and 34 males) selected randomly among administrative staff of Isfahan Art University. CMD questionnaire was used to assess the prevalence of MSDs and for measuring ergonomic risk factors ROSA method was employed in VDT stations.
Results: According to ROSA risk levels, 21% (15 participants) were at low risk (score of less than 3), 48% (34 participants) were in the notification area (score 3 to 5) and 31% (22 participants) were in the need area for ergonomic intervention (score of more than 5). Sex, body mass index, educational level and work experience had significant impacts on ROSA final score (p<0.001). There was a positive significant correlation between ROSA final score and MSDs in the participants (p<0.001, r=0.828).
Conclusion: With regard to the purpose of ROSA method for evaluating risk factors of working with computer in administrative and office settings and the finding of this study, it can be employed as a useful tool in identifying and ranking ergonomic risks in today office environments.