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Volume 9, Issue 2 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2021)                   Iran J Ergon 2021, 9(2): 82-94 | Back to browse issues page

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Lotfi Z, Hassani M, Najjari M. Structural Modeling of Relationship Among Ethical Climate, Emotional Exhaustion with Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention. Iran J Ergon 2021; 9 (2) :82-94
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-779-en.html
1- Master Student, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran , zahralotfi73@yahoo.com
2- Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
3- PhD Student, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Abstract:   (6979 Views)
Background & Objectives: Ethical atmosphere and burnout of employees is an important issue for the management of the organization and management should play a key role in improving the performance of employees and the organization. The present study aimed to model the structural relationship between ethical atmosphere and emotional exhaustion with job satisfaction and turnover intention.
Methods: The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of the data collection method. The statistical population includes 125 employees of the West Azerbaijan Gas Company who were surveyed by census method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha method were used to evaluate the validity and reliability of measuring instruments. Structural equation modeling using Smart PLS software was done to analyze the data.
Results: The results of the determined coefficients showed that the ethical atmosphere was able to explain more than 22% of the changes in emotional exhaustion. Also, emotional exhaustion can explain more than 44% of the changes in job satisfaction and 18% of the changes in the desire to leave the job. The coefficient of morale's impact on job satisfaction with emotional exhaustion was also 0.07. And the impact coefficient of the ethical atmosphere on the desire to leave the job with an emotional exhaustion was also -0.09.
Conclusion: Improving the ethical atmosphere of the organization and reducing the emotional burnout of employees leads to job satisfaction and commitment of employees, and as a result, the performance of employees and the organization improves.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other Cases
Received: 2020/12/19 | Accepted: 2021/08/7 | ePublished: 2021/09/21

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