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Volume 7, Issue 4 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2020)                   Iran J Ergon 2020, 7(4): 72-81 | Back to browse issues page

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Tahmacbi B, Zare Bahramabadi M, Izadi M, Abdolhoseini H. The Causal Relationship of Job Stressors, Job Calling and Job Burnout in Non-academic Staff of Faculties of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Iran J Ergon 2020; 7 (4) :72-81
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-693-en.html
1- PhD Student, Department of Education Science and Counseling, Faculty of Psychology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Institute for Research and Development in the Humanitis, SAMT, Tehran, Iran , mz.bahramabadi@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Psychology, Central Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4- PhD of Career Counseling, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (10131 Views)

Background and Objectives: Factors affecting one's job performance include job stress, job calling and burnout. The purpose of this study was to determine the causal relationship between job stressors, job calling and job burnout among employees of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences.
Methods: This descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study was performed on 378 non-faculty members of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected using Maslach Burnout Inventory, Job Stress Questionnaire (HSE-Q) and Dik's job calling. To investigate the relationship between variables, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method was used in AMOS version 24 software.
Results: The mean age of participants was 38.93 years. The components of job stressors and job calling had a positive and significant correlation with the components of job burnout (P<0.05). The measurement model was acceptable with the collected data. Job stressors indirectly and mediate the dimensions of presence and search of job calling are related to job burnout of medical university employees. The sum of squares of multiple correlations for job burnout variable was 0.56. This finding indicated that occupational stressors and job calling account for 52% of the variance in burnout.
Conclusion: Given the detrimental effects of burnout on employees, it is suggested that authorities reduce stressors such as the psychological and physical needs of the workplace, lack of support, job insecurity, and job calling.

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Given the detrimental effects of burnout on employees, it is suggested that authorities reduce stressors such as the psychological and physical needs of the workplace, lack of support, job insecurity, and job calling.

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other Cases
Received: 2020/02/12 | Accepted: 2020/03/1 | ePublished: 2020/03/26

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