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Volume 8, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2020)                   Iran J Ergon 2020, 8(1): 32-41 | Back to browse issues page

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Shahidi R, Golmohammadi R, Pirmoradi Rizevandi Z, Soltani A, Shirmohammadi Khoram N, Kazemi R. Study of Daytime Lighting at Official Rooms and Its Relation with Personnel's Cognitive Performance, Alertness, Visual Comfort and Sleep Quality. Iran J Ergon 2020; 8 (1) :32-41
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-647-en.html
1- Department of Occupational Hygiene, School of Public Health, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2- Department of Occupational Hygiene, School of Public Health and Research Center for Health Sciences, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran , golmohamadi@umsha.ac.ir
3- Office of Research, School of Public Health, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
4- Department of Ergonomics, School of Public Health, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (10445 Views)

Background and Aim: Undesirable lighting at work environment causes visual and non-visual effects on employers. The aim of this study was to compare the quantity and quality of combined and artificial lighting in daytime and its relationship with the indexes of mental performance.
Methods: This study was carried out at 65 rooms and on 81 employees randomly selected from different clusters. Measurement of lighting parameters was done using a spectrometer. To assess the cognitive function, the Pshycomotor Vigiliance Task (PVT) test and for the sake of visual comfort, alertness and sleep quality, the Conlone, KSS (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale) and PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaires were used respectively.
Results: Most artificial sources used in the rooms included fluorescent lights in different shapes and colors. The average indexes of combined lighting was more than artificial lightings (P<0.001). Visual comfort was correlated with high color temperature (P=0.006, r = 0.315). The employees with natural lighting had less visually impairment. The sleep quality of the subjects was related to the type of work environment lighting (Chi2=0.59, P=0.44). Alertness of subjects exposed to high color temperature or natural light was better at 8 and 11 hours. The results of cognitive performance test showed no significant difference between different lighting conditions.
Conclusion: Using natural light or artificial lights with adequate illuminance and high correlated color temperature can increase the alertness and visual comfort to some extent and improve the sleep quality of day staff employers.

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Using natural light or artificial lights with adequate illuminance and high correlated color temperature can increase the alertness and visual comfort to some extent and improve the sleep quality of day staff employers.

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other Cases
Received: 2019/07/28 | Accepted: 2020/06/9 | ePublished: 2020/06/9

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