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Showing 1 results for Physical Conditions of the Workplace.

Zivar Sabaghinejad, Abdolkazem Neisi, Somaye Parvin,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2018)

Background & Objectives: Each organization needs to provide an environment that is smooth, tensile, comfortable and affordable with appropriate physical and emotional conditions for each employee, a safe and relaxed working environment, so that they can work best with a sense of job satisfaction. The present study examines the ergonomic conditions of libraries in public universities in Ahwaz and its impact on job satisfaction and librarians.
Methods: This research is descriptive and has been surveyed. The population of the study consisted of 84 librarians of Shahid Chamran Universities and Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences who participated in the study census. To evaluate ergonomic conditions, a questionnaire was extracted from ergotools software, job satisfaction survey from Arenson et al. Scale and job evaluation questionnaire by Faraj Pahloo, Nooshin Fard and Hasanzadeh. Relationships between research variables were investigated using structural equation modeling.
Results: The results showed that there is a direct, positive and significant relationship between ergonomic conditions and job satisfaction, job satisfaction and job performance, and ergonomic conditions and job performance. There is also a positive and significant indirect relationship between ergonomic conditions and job performance due to job satisfaction.
Conclusion: All relationships between the variables examined were confirmed. Therefore, ergonomic conditions are effective both directly and through the job satisfaction of librarians’ job performance. Considering the positive and direct relationship, it can be said that the librarians of the public universities’ libraries of Ahwaz are pleased with better ergonomic conditions and show better job performance.


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