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Showing 3 results for Quality of Working Life

Rashid Heydari Moghadam, Majid Motamedzade, Mohammad Babamiri, Qhodratolah Roshanayi, Shiva Rastegari Yekta, Eghbal Zandkarimi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Introduction: Varicose veins in the lower limbs commonly occur in the general population and can negatively affect their quality of life. One of the high-risk jobs is the field hairdressers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ergonomic interventions on quality of life of female hairdressers suffering from diseases in the lower extremities varicose veins.

Methods: The study population was all female hairdressers of Hamadan Mahdieh clinic who were referred for medical examinations. Using simple random sampling method, 70 patients suffering from varicose disease were chosen and were classified to case and control groups. The intervention included an exercise protocol for the cases with varicose disease. The present study was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test and participants responded to Aberdeen varicose veins, chronic pain and muscle fatigue questionnaires, which were considered as indicators of quality of working life. Data was analyzed by paired sample t-test using of SPSS 16.

Results: The results showed that ergonomic interventions were effective on the rate of varicose score, pain and swelling score as well as the score of muscle fatigue of left and right lower limbs in the case group. The average scores of varicose veins, pain and swelling, and left and right lower extremity muscle fatigue in the case group decreased respectively 2.66, 2.4, 0.75 and 1.2.

Conclusions: With regard to the impact of exercise protocol on quality of working life in hairdresserd, the use of this protocol is recommended in patients with varicose veins disease.

Mohammad Babamiri, Fakhradin Ghasemi, Rashid Heidari Moghadam, Jjalil Derakhshan, Mahnoush Karimi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Background: “Participatory ergonomics” is defined as an active participation of all members of the organization in the development and implementation of ergonomic knowledge in order to improve the working environment, quality, productivity and safety of the organization. The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate process of working condition with the participatory ergonomic approach and its impact on one of the printing industries.
Methods: This research is an interventional study carried out in one printing industry center. To identify the ergonomic risk factors the “Nordic Questionnaire" and “Ergonomic Review Points” and to evaluate the quality employees’ working life, the NIOSH modified quality of life curriculum was used. The results were by conducting a paired t-test using SPSS20 software package.
Results: The investigation of health, and working conditions using the supplementary checklist before and after applying the review points with participatory ergonomic approach shows a significant increase. Data analysis using the paired t-test showed a significant improvement in quality of working life and reduction of musculoskeletal disorders after intervention (P <0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, ­it can be concluded that the individuals’ social skills and abilities have increased by participation in the process of participatory ergonomics. Increasing the quality of working life has a significant role to improve the health of workers and reduce occupational accidents. Therefore, the implementation of participatory ergonomic program with the collaboration of industrial managers can be an effective step towards achieving human resource satisfaction and health.

Mohammad Sadegh Sohrabi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2024)

Objectives: In the last decade in Iran, the highest prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort among office workers has been reported in the neck, back, and shoulder areas. The present study aimed to assess the impact of ergonomic interventions in knowledge-based companies on musculoskeletal disorders, work-related stress, and quality of work life.
Methods: In this quasi-randomized controlled trial study, the participants, including 311 office workers, received ergonomic interventions at both individual and managerial levels.
Results: The implementation of individual ergonomic training interventions significantly reduced disorders in the neck, right and left shoulders, right forearm, and right wrist. Social support also demonstrated a significant increase in all three intervention groups. The interventions had a significant impact on the quality of working life. The changes in the mean quality of working life for the second and third groups in the first month of growth were significant and then continued similar to the trend of the control group.
Conclusion: The implementation of individual ergonomic training interventions significantly reduced musculoskeletal disorders in the neck, shoulders, and upper limbs. Nonetheless, management training interventions did not affect the musculoskeletal disorders of employees. Furthermore, concurrent implementation of individual ergonomics and management interventions exerted a more pronounced effect on the reduction of disorders. The implementation of management educational interventions and combined interventions led to a marked increase in the level of control experienced by participants, while both types of social support interventions also increased. The implementation of a multi-component ergonomics intervention program was demonstrated to enhance the impact of interventions on employees' health and productivity.

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