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Showing 2 results for Participatory Ergonomics

Mohammad Babamiri, Fakhradin Ghasemi, Rashid Heidari Moghadam, Jjalil Derakhshan, Mahnoush Karimi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Background: “Participatory ergonomics” is defined as an active participation of all members of the organization in the development and implementation of ergonomic knowledge in order to improve the working environment, quality, productivity and safety of the organization. The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate process of working condition with the participatory ergonomic approach and its impact on one of the printing industries.
Methods: This research is an interventional study carried out in one printing industry center. To identify the ergonomic risk factors the “Nordic Questionnaire" and “Ergonomic Review Points” and to evaluate the quality employees’ working life, the NIOSH modified quality of life curriculum was used. The results were by conducting a paired t-test using SPSS20 software package.
Results: The investigation of health, and working conditions using the supplementary checklist before and after applying the review points with participatory ergonomic approach shows a significant increase. Data analysis using the paired t-test showed a significant improvement in quality of working life and reduction of musculoskeletal disorders after intervention (P <0.001).
Conclusion: According to the results, ­it can be concluded that the individuals’ social skills and abilities have increased by participation in the process of participatory ergonomics. Increasing the quality of working life has a significant role to improve the health of workers and reduce occupational accidents. Therefore, the implementation of participatory ergonomic program with the collaboration of industrial managers can be an effective step towards achieving human resource satisfaction and health.

Mohammad Sadeagh Sohrabi, Neda Mahdavi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Background and Objectives: One of the most effective methods for managing ergonomic risk factors in the workplace is to involve employees in identifying and assessing ergonomic risk factors and ultimately designing and implementing interventions by themselves. Therefore, this study aimed to implement a participatory ergonomic program, focusing on the transfer of ergonomic knowledge to employees, and to examine the effects of interventions on the macroeconomic indexes.  
Methods: This semi-experimental interventional study was carried out in cooperation with all staff of one of the medical diagnostic laboratories in Isfahan (11 people) in 2017. A participatory ergonomic program was implemented based on the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers Inc. (OHCOW) Guide. Then, the differences in the level of macro ergonomic elements such as job satisfaction and increase in motivating potential score of employees were studied before and after the interventions resulting from participatory ergonomic program (OHCOW) in this work environment. The data was analyzed using SPSS 23.
Results: Job satisfaction before and after ergonomic interventions had no significant difference (a relative increase), but in one of the scales, namely organizational climate, there was a significant change (P=0.016). Also, the motivating potential score of employees after the intervention was significantly higher than before (P=0.013).
Conclusion: In this study, participatory ergonomics were used to improve some aspects of macro ergonomic elements. Based on the results of this study, participatory ergonomics can increase some job satisfaction scores and motivating potential score of employees. Finally, it is suggested that allocate a longer duration for intervention utilization.

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