Background and Aim: Nowadays, the healthcare and treatment sector's organizations are known as one of the most important pillars in the debate of public health. On the other, the psychological development of the experienced, knowledge-driven, competent, proactive and motivated, and empowered human resource taken into account as the most important competitive advantage for these organizations. Considering the importance of human resources, the present research tries to explore the employees' psychological perception of organizational justice and its impacts on the cyber loafing in the Babolsar healthcare and treatment network.
Methods: Present research, in terms of purpose, is an applied study, and in terms of method, is an analytical-correlation study. Considering the simple random sampling method and on the basis of Cochran's Formula, 165 employees of Babolsar healthcare and treatment network in 1397 [2018] are studied. For gathering data, two standard scales for cyber loafing and organizational justice are used. In data analysis also Pearson's correlation and Structural Equation Modeling has been done by SPSS and LISREL softwares.
Results: Research results showed that there is a negative and significant relation between organizational justice and cyber loafing (P<0.001, r = -0.299). The results of structural equation modeling also showed that organizational justice variable explains the 47 percent of variance for cyber loafing variable. The values of goodness of fit indices for research model are (χ2/df=1.44; GFI=0.98; NFI=0.98; RMSEA=0.054) that showed desirable fitness of model.
Conclusion: Considering results of this research, it could be understood that the cyber loafing is increasingly impressed by organizational justice and its components, and in this regard, the employees are more vulnerable. Therefore, it is suggested to the managers to develop the organizational procedures and the methods of justice establishment in organization, and eventually, to apply the capacities of their human resource in the best way possible.