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Showing 2 results for Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Hossein Samadi Miarkolaei, Hamzeh Samadi Miarkolaei,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2016)

Introduction: Job stress is identified as imbalance between job needs and individual’s abilities and demands. Job stress has somatic, psychological and behavioral traumas, The main purpose of the present research was to investigate the effects of employees' job stress level on the emersion of organizational behavior amongst Mazandaran's SAMEN Finance and Credit Institute's subdivision employees.

Methods: In this correlation-descriptive study, 147 employees from SAMEN subdivisions of Mazandaran province were selected based on the census sampling method. Data were collected by using the job stress and organizational citizenship behavior standard questionnaire. Data were analyzed by the SPSS and LISREL software, and using descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation and Standard Error of the Mean (SEM).

Results: In the current study, there was a significant and inverse relationship between job stress and organizational citizenship behavior (R = -0.590, and P = 0.001). The results of structural equation modeling and path analysis showed that job stress and most of its components were good predictors of organizational citizenship behavior.

Conclusions: Recent research has demonstrated that job stress may increase employees-related problems. There is a relationship between job stress and organizational citizenship behavior, and attention to job stress level as a predictor of organizational citizenship behavior in employees is an essential issue.

Fatemeh Faghih, Mohammad Hassani,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Background and Objectives: The ethic-based culture is the predictor of ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Ethical culture enhances our awareness of our activities and can also increase our awareness of our bilateral commitments to the organization and therefore focus on what is important in an organizational setting. The present research aimed at investigating the relationship between the ethical culture with a tendency to ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior by examining the mediating role of the person’s organization in the staff of Urmia University.
Methods: This descriptive correlation study is a structural equation modeling model. The statistical population of this study consisted of all 503 high school graduates of Urmia University in 2018. Based on the stratified random sampling method, 217 individuals were selected. Standard questionnaires were used to collect information. Data analysis was performed using descriptive indexes and structural equation modeling method.
Results: Based on the results there is a positive and significant relationship between ethical culture with ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Also, the direct and significant impact of ethical culture on the individual-organizational adaptability was confirmed. The results also showed that the individual-organizational adaptability has a positive and significant relationship with ethical and organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition, the role of mediation of this variable (individual-organizational adaptability) in the relation between the ethical culture with two other variables (ethical and organizational citizenship behaviors) was also confirmed based on the findings of the research.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that ethical culture directly promotes personal-organizational fit. In addition, confirming the mediating role of the individual-organization fit ethical culture has an indirect, positive and significant effect on ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior.

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