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Showing 6 results for Nordic Questionnaire

Farin Khanehshenas, Teimour Allahyari, H.reza Khalkhali,
Volume 1, Issue 3 (3-2014)

Introduction: Bank staff experience high level of job stress due to the nature of their work. One of the consequences of stress is its impact on job performance. Since the internal studies in this area are relatively rare, this study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the psychosocial stressors and job performance among bank staff. Materials and Methods: All staff of the bank branches participated in this study. The General Nordic Questionnaire and Human Resource Productivity Questionnaire were used for data collection. The correlation coefficient and regression models were employed to examine the relationship between job stressors and their scales as independent variables and job performance as the dependent variable. Furthermore, in order to accurately assess the relations between variables, structural equation models were utilized. Results: The results revealed that the prevalence of stress among bank staff was in moderate level (46.6%). Meanwhile, there was a negative and significant relationship between stress in "task domain" and "socio-organizational domain" and job performance. Among the measures in socio-organizational domain, organizational culture and leadership showed highly negative and significant relationships with job performance (p= 0.001). Conclusion: According to the obtained results, socio-organizational domain can be considered as the main cause of loss of productivity. Hence, it is suggested to make further attempts to control the psychosocial factors in workplaces and avoid performance deterioration, particularly in organizational culture and leadership measures.
Somayeh Bolghanabadi, Habibollah Dehghan, Mehdi Pour,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (6-2014)

Introduction: The development of the industry has led to an increased incidence of muscle-skeletal disorders. The disorders increased caused by factors such as type of job, repetition of work, intensity and duration of the work. Food industries, including industries that are doing the type of job that involves repetitive movements, this study examined was conducted the role of stress and other psychosocial factors on musculoskeletal disorders. Methods: The present cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in different organs and factors affecting food production was one of the workers. According to a random sample of 215 workers were studied with an average age of 39 years. To evaluate the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders was used of the Nordic questionnaire, also for of occupational stress was used OSIPOW questionnaire the data obtained are analyzed by SPSS 16 software and processing of data with the descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation test. Results: The results showed that the study population in the past 12 months the most common symptoms of lower back 69.8%. We were founded between stress and musculoskeletal discomfort in the neck, shoulder, wrist, upper back, a significant relationship (P<0.05). We were founded between smoking and low back pain (P <0.05), shoulder pain (P = 0.023), leg pain (P = 0.008) statistical test significant. As well as we were found between the average working hours per day and work experience, with musculoskeletal symptoms, fatigue, and BMI also a significant relationship. Conclusions: The results obtained in this study shows that job stress, work experience, BMI, the number of working hours and fatigue is considered a risk factor for upper extremity musculoskeletal disorder.
Hamid Salmani Nodooshan, Shaghayegh Koohi Booshehri, Alireza Choobineh, Hadi Daneshmandi, Abdolhalim Rajabi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2014)


Introduction: In the orthotic and prosthetic workshops, awkward postures, repetitive and continuously movements etc. are the risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study was conducted with the objective of ergonomic assessment of working conditions in these workshops.

Material and Methods: In this study all employed personnel of linorthotic and prosthetic production centers in Shiraz city participated (n=42).Data were collected using Nordic Musculoskeletal disorders Questionnaire (NMQ) and Ergonomic Risk Factor checklist (ERF)for assessment of working conditions .Data analysis was performed using SPSS software (Ver. 16).

Results: The means (SD) of age and job tenure (years) in employees studied were 37.26 (10.21) and 12.8 (9.39), respectively .The most prevalent MSDs symptoms were reported in lower back (42.9%), shoulder (40.5%) and knee (40.5%).Working condition assessment by ERF check list revealed that the means core of upper and lower region of body and also mean of total score were higher than acceptable limit (more than 7)..

Conclusion: In working conditions improvement, corrective measures and MSDs risk factors control in studied workers should be noted to risk factors in low back, shoulder and knee. The results of this study showed that ergonomic problems in orthotics and prosthetics clinics was related to "custom shoe making", "grinding and finishing", "filling plaster cast" and "positive cast rectification" tasks and ergonomic interventions to decrees and/or eliminate of awkward working posture needed corrections.

Mohammadreza Jannati, Hamed Aghaei, Taleb Askaripoor, Mehdi Khazaei, Ehsan Bayat Khalaji, Elahe Kazemi,
Volume 8, Issue 2 (6-2020)

Background and Aim: Despite the main role of cranes in advancing construction operations, however, accidents and occupational injuries resulting from their activities have become a critical issue. Recent evidence suggests that the cause of these problems may be associated with the absence of design of the interior space of the crane cabin, and the tasks of the operators, based on ergonomic principles. This study was conducted to assess the ergonomic risk of the tower crane operator’s activities and redesigning the dimensions and interior space of these cranes, based on the anthropometric dimensions of Iranian operators.
Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 30 male tower crane operators working on three major construction projects in Tehran were investigated. Initially, a multi-step approach was applied to define the problem, including: observing the working statuses, interviewing operators, Nordic Musculoskeletal Disorder Questionnaire, and rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) method. Then, using anthropometric data, the dimensions and interior space of the crane chamber were redesigned.
Results: The results of the rapid upper limb assessment method showed that the activities of tower crane operators were at high and very high-risk levels. Also, 85% and 38.5% of these people reported pain and discomfort in one of the nine areas of their body in the last 12 months and 7 days, respectively. In this study, the dimensions of the interior space of the redesigned tower crane cabin were obtained 160.8×144.1×199.7.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the current interior design of the tower crane cabin does not fulfill the needs of the operators. Hence, redesigning it appears essential to enhance human-machine compatibility, improve safety and productivity, and prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).

Hassan Sadeghi Naeini, Mohammad Zolfaghari,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background and Aim: Annually, a percentage of the profits from the sale of goods and services by producers are spent on costs of musculoskeletal disorders due to non-compliance with ergonomic conditions. These costs are not favorable for organizations and employees and in most cases, ergonomic risk factors affect the quality of life of employees.
Methods: The present field study was conducted as a census on 193 workers with medical records in one of the domestic automotive industries on December 2018. The highest prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders belonged to 16 workers, so their workstations were analyzed. Questionnaire with the help of Nordic questionnaire and through interviews with workers has been one of the methods of collecting data. Each of the selected workstations was analyzed with OWAS method after job photography and video recording.
Results: The results showed that three work stations from the viewpoint of Action Categories are at the level of three, three work stations at the level of two and one station at the level of one, and then the costs of incidence and treatment and related actions due to establishing ergonomic conditions were calculated.
Conclusion: Cost of workstations analysis, Preventive actions and also designing a process to reduce the musculoskeletal abnormalities of the staff, which results in ergonomic conditions, compared with the cost of incidence and treatment of musculoskeletal complications is cost-effective for this automotive industry.

Abbasali Jafari-Nodoushan, Golnaz Bagheri, Fatemesadat Mosavi Nodoushan,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Background and Objective: Faculty Members of the university have a fundamental role in education and its quality. Working conditions of the faculty members have made them face severe musculoskeletal disorders. The spread of the COVID-19 virus, the closure of universities and the virtual education have made working conditions of the faculty members more difficult than before. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the virus on the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders of the faculty members of the university and the extraction of variables affecting the disorders.
Methods: This descriptive-survey study was conducted in 2020 on 220 faculty members of Yazd University who were selected by the simple random sampling method. Data were collected using the standardized Nordic questionnaire in two stages before and after the spread of the virus and were analyzed in SPSS 25 by paired sample t-test, independent t-test, and analysis of variance.
Results: Musculoskeletal disorders after the spread of the virus in most organs have increased significantly, so that frequency percentage in the neck for the three campuses has increased from 36%, 40%, and 31% to 55%, 52%, and 44 %. There is a significant relationship between gender, work experience, and teaching method with the prevalence of disorders. Most disorders were in the back, neck, and knees.
Conclusion: A small percentage of faculty members perform sports activities and daily exercises that by planning on them can reduce the disorders. The university can also prevent the centralization of education at a specific time by dividing the virtual education during the day and week and reduce the disorders.     

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