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Showing 2 results for Manual Task

Sara Dehnavi, Abdollah Vahedi, Majid Motamedzade Torghabe, Abbas Moghimbeigi,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2017)


Introduction: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) occur when the pressure that applied to musculoskeletal tissue is/be more than tissue tolerant capabilities. This study aimed to assess the risk factors cause musculoskeletal disorders associated with manual tasks using ManTRA and conducted ergonomics intervention program(educational- engineering) among workers in the printing industry.

MethodS: In this interventional case-control study, 40 workers who performed manual tasks, ( 20 case group and 20 control group) were chosen and were investigated. Nordic Body Map was used to determine the intensity and position of pain in the Different part of the body.  ManTRA method was performed to evaluate cumulative scores in four regions of the body (wrist / hand / arm - shoulder / neck - back - lower limb) for each workers before and after the intervention. Data analysis was done using SPSS.

Results: Data analysis showed that mean intensity of  pain in the control group before and after intervention in the various regions of the body such as  head /neck (p=0.012), right shoulder/arm (p=0.012), left shoulder/arm(p=0.043), back (p=0.003), right hand / wrist (p=0.028), left hand / wrist (p=0.027), right knee/ hip (p=0.005), left knee/ hip (p=0.005), right leg (p=0.012) & left leg(p=0.028) were significant.Cumulative score was also significant in the body regions such as arm/wrist /hand (p=0.001) and shoulder /neck (p=0.001) before and after the interventional program.

Conclusion: On the basis of the findings of this study, it could be noted that the ergonomic interventional program was effective to reduce the intensity of pain in the various regions of the body and risk factors causing cumulative damage in the workplace.


Neda Mahdavi, Javad Faradmal, Iman Dianat, Hassan Khotanlou, Rashid Haidari Moghadam,
Volume 8, Issue 3 (10-2020)

Backgrond and Aim: Fatigue is a common and highly prevalent problem among workers. Muscle fatigue is the result of general fatigue that is caused by different risk factors. This research was conducted to assess grip fatigue between workers with manual tasks and its relationship to psychosocial risk factors.
Methods: In this study, Jamar hydraulic dynamometer was used to investigate the decrease in the production of grip force or grip fatigue. The grip force of 157 subjects in three job levels that met inclusion criteria recorded, three times in an 8 hours shift. The psychosocial risk factors were also assessed using the Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire and their relationship with grip force and grip fatigue was analyzed.
Results: sixty-one percent, 62%, and 69% of employees in light, medium, and heavy tasks, respectively, experienced grip fatigue in the second phase of the study. It seems that as the power/speed increased and the tasks became more difficult, employees experienced more grip fatigue in the right hand. The declining trend of grip force and the increase in grip fatigue was more evident in heavy task jobs. No moderate or strong correlation was observed between the psychosocial risk factors and grip fatigue.
Conclusion: Because the nature of worker tasks in heavy manual tasks required more force exertion, they experienced more grip fatigue in their right hand than other workers. It is not possible to draw definitive conclusions about the impact of psychosocial risk factors on grip fatigue. Investigating the impact of cognitive loads and anthropometric dimensions on grip fatigue can be an interesting topic for future studies.

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