Objectives: Scientometrics is a research field that examines and analyzes scientific trends and patterns in various scientific journals. This study aims to analyze the content of articles published in the Journal of Applied Ergonomics in the last ten years and determine the distribution pattern of the articles according to the themes extracted.
Methods: Using the method of directed content analysis, the number of 2,148 articles published in the last 10 years were extracted from the "Journal of Applied Ergonomics" website and categorized according to the topic, the nationality of the authors, and the year of publication. For the topic categories of articles, the existing categories of published articles and the topic tree schema of the article submission website of selected international journals were used. EXCEL 2021 software was used for data preparation and analysis.
Results: Among the twenty-two extracted topics, three main topics, including "Physio-psychological Status and Occupational Factors," "Human-machine interaction, Human-computer interaction", and "Ergonomic product and service design" elucidated approximately 50% of the variance in published articles in this reputable journal under study. Among these, there was a particular emphasis on the topic of "Physio-psychological status and occupational factors." The subjects of "Physio-psychological status and occupational factors," "Human-machine interaction," and "Human-computer interaction" have had an upward trend in recent years. Moreover, authors from the United States of America, with 25.84% frequency, have contributed the most to the publication of articles in this Journal.
Conclusion: The thematic framework and distribution patterns extracted in this study can contribute to the educational and research planning in the field of professional health for universities, research centers, and relevant organizations. These findings can guide strategic decisions and support targeted efforts to advance ergonomic practices and the dissemination of knowledge within the field.