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Showing 1 results for Fatigue in the Classroom

Hamed Ahmadi, Mojtaba Noorllahi, Mohmmad Reza Soleimani, Ehsan Bitaraf,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (3-2023)

Objectives: Human-made environments can have negative and positive effects on the planet. One of the two-faceted artifacts is the construction of buildings for people's lives, buildings that are being built irregularly and quickly and lead to excessive consumption of fossil resources and energy waste. Become Therefore, one of the most important things in the design of a building is providing its thermal comfort; Comfort that has a direct effect on the cognitive function of humans. In this research, in addition to the topic of thermal comfort, we also discuss fatigue in the classroom, which is one of the factors influencing the cognitive performance of the students.
Methods: In this research, the cognitive performance of people were examined and compared in the range of thermal comfort and the suggested range of the Ashri standard. To investigate their performance in different temperature ranges, 220 architecture students of Ilam universities were selected by systematic random sampling method. The state of thermal comfort, cognitive functions, and fatigue of people was evaluated after measuring environmental factors through questionnaires and standard cognitive function software.
Results: In addition to thermal comfort, which has a direct relationship with the cognitive performance of students, the passage of time is not an exception to this rule, in other words, the cognitive performance of students is derived from thermal comfort and the passage of time, which has a direct effect on academic, mental productivity. and also their practical efficiency. After examining the data in this regard, we reached meaningful results that indicate the highest efficiency of the students in the conditions of proper thermal comfort and the first 60 minutes of the start of their performance.
Conclusion: The results of this research show that even if the thermal comfort of the students' classrooms is provided according to the ASHERI standard, the students' cognitive performance will decrease after 60 minutes from the start of the class.

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