Objectives: Hospitals are one of the most important organizations in the country, and nurses are one of their main pillars with high workloads and stress, nurses are exposed to many injuries. Ergonomic load on nurses can be reduced by an optimal job rotation and shift scheduling plan. Although these two approaches have been proposed separately, in past research articles, they have not been considered at the same time.
Methods: In this article, a two-objective mathematical model is presented for simultaneous optimization of job rotation and shift scheduling of nurses. The first objective is to minimize the maximum ergonomic load and the second objective is to minimize the total mental-psychological load on nurses. The comprehensive criterion approach has been used to integrate the objectives and reach a single objective model. The proposed model has been used in a case study and the parameters of the model have been quantified using the Movement and Assistance of Hospital Patients (MAPO) index and the Nordic questionnaire as well as the Depression- Anxiety- Stress Scale )DASS( method.
Results: The program obtained from the mathematical model was compared with the program available in the studied hospital, which was done manually. The results showed a decrease in the ergonomic load of nurses in the new program compared to the existing situation.
Conclusion: Compared to the conventional method, the proposed integrated method can lead to a greater reduction of occupational injuries.