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Showing 3 results for Ergonomic Interventions

Rashid Heydari Moghadam, Majid Motamedzade, Mohammad Babamiri, Qhodratolah Roshanayi, Shiva Rastegari Yekta, Eghbal Zandkarimi,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Introduction: Varicose veins in the lower limbs commonly occur in the general population and can negatively affect their quality of life. One of the high-risk jobs is the field hairdressers. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ergonomic interventions on quality of life of female hairdressers suffering from diseases in the lower extremities varicose veins.

Methods: The study population was all female hairdressers of Hamadan Mahdieh clinic who were referred for medical examinations. Using simple random sampling method, 70 patients suffering from varicose disease were chosen and were classified to case and control groups. The intervention included an exercise protocol for the cases with varicose disease. The present study was quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test and participants responded to Aberdeen varicose veins, chronic pain and muscle fatigue questionnaires, which were considered as indicators of quality of working life. Data was analyzed by paired sample t-test using of SPSS 16.

Results: The results showed that ergonomic interventions were effective on the rate of varicose score, pain and swelling score as well as the score of muscle fatigue of left and right lower limbs in the case group. The average scores of varicose veins, pain and swelling, and left and right lower extremity muscle fatigue in the case group decreased respectively 2.66, 2.4, 0.75 and 1.2.

Conclusions: With regard to the impact of exercise protocol on quality of working life in hairdresserd, the use of this protocol is recommended in patients with varicose veins disease.

Esmaeel Khanmohammadi, Farhad Tabatabai Ghomsheh, Reza Osqueizadeh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (9-2017)

Introduction: Different studies around the world have shown that Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are the causes of lost time, absenteeism, and disability. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate of musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and to evaluate their ergonomic risk factors and determine the effect of ergonomic intervention on awkward postures among workers of Saipa Diesel Truck manufacturing plants.
Methods: This interventional study (Before-after) was conducted on 130 workers of 2 largest truck-manufacturing plants in Iran. The prevalence rate of MSDs and ergonomic risk factors was assessed by valid and reliable translated Body Map Questionnaire (BM) and Quick Exposure Check (QEC) method, respectively.
Results: According to Body Map results, 87.5% of participants had MSDs at least in one of their eleven body regions during the previous year, before study. The highest prevalence rate of MSDs was observed in lower back (51.5%) and foot area (18.5%). Chi square test revealed that the prevalence rate of MSDs was higher among those with higher QEC risk level (P < 0.001). Results also indicated the significant effect of ergonomic interventions on reducing the prevalence rate of MSDs and QEC risk level (P < 0.001).
Conclusions: This study showed that the prevalence rate of MSDs and QEC risk levels among workers was significantly high. Therefore, it can be mentioned that the need for early ergonomic interventions is felt in all industrial units of these truck-manufacturing plants.

Fatemeh Hashempour, Naser Sadra Abarghouei,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Background: The design and manufacturing process in electronic companies is the most time consuming work behind computers. Because of the high prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in computer users, researchers need to identify risk factors and ergonomic problems and ways to reduce them.
Methods: This study was a descriptive-analytical study and was conducted as an intervention in Behpajooh engineering company in Isfahan. Statistical sampling was done by global sampling (31 people). The Nordic questionnaire and the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) were used to evaluate the risk factors of ergonomics. Data analysis was performed by using McNemar and Wilcoxon's non-parametric tests and using SPSS software.
Results: The results of the Nordic questionnaire, before ergonomic intervention, the frequency of problems in elbow is zero, in waist, upper back, neck and shoulders is 45-38%. Evaluation of Ergonomic Risk Factors derived from the Rapid Office Strain Assessment before intervention showed 35.5% (11 people) at low risk, 38.7% (12 people) in the warning zone and 25.8% (8 people) in the area requiring ergonomic intervention. Statistical analysis of ergonomic interventions showed that the number of people in the area of ​​warning and necessity are less than the number of people before intervention.
Conclusion: The most musculoskeletal disorders were reported in the neck, lower back, upper back and shoulders. Statistical results after ergonomic intervention indicate a decrease in these disorders. The results led to the understanding that the risks in electronic companies could be reduced by ergonomic interventions. Implementation of ergonomic interventions based on engineering, management and educational proceeding can be effective in reducing musculoskeletal disorders.

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