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Showing 1 results for Emergency Medical Technicians

Teimour Allahyari, Ali Mahboubi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (4-2024)

Objectives: Nowadays, due to the increase in the volume of accidents, pre-hospital emergency personnel, as the frontline of treatment by providing relief and assistance to patients and victims of various incidents, have encountered various work-related challenges and problems, including cardiovascular diseases, digestive diseases, excessive fatigue, and reduced sleep quality. In this regard, the present research aimed to study the relationship among shift work, sleep quality, and work ability index in pre-hospital emergency personnel.
Methods: This research was performed on 102 operational personnel of a pre-hospital emergency department in Urmia, Iran. After the collection of demographic information, the number of work shifts per week, the number of working hours per month, the quality of sleep, and the work ability of the personnel were measured by the Petersburg sleep quality questionnaire and work ability index questionnaire. The relationship between research variables was investigated using correlation coefficient, Fisher's exact test, and one-way analysis of variance tests.
Results: Mean total sleep quality score of the personnel was 6.01 ± 2.38, which indicated poor and unfavorable sleep quality. Moreover, work ability index scores of 34.3%, 52%, and 13.7% of participants were at poor, moderate, good, and excellent levels, respectively. Regarding the comparison between the two variables of shift work and sleep quality, there was a significant difference, and a strong and significant relationship was observed between sleep quality and work ability index.
Conclusion: Through the increase in the number of work shifts and working hours, the sleep quality of the personnel became unfavorable and weak which led to a decrease in the work ability index score and a reduction in the job performance of the personnel. Reduction of working hours, usage of young people with high work ability, management and control of the number of work shifts of the personnel by considering resting and closure time, consideration of morning-evening and night shifts in a balanced and equal manner, and prevention of people from working in monotonous shifts (activity only in the form of night work or only day work), and avoidance of working in consecutive work shifts without rest and vacation in order to improve the quality of sleep and work performance is recommended.

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