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Showing 4 results for Cognitive Ergonomics

Abdollah Vahedi, Sara Dehnavi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (12-2014)


Introduction: As the traffic is one of the most common social troubles in big cities, widen the roads culture and using the intelligent methods are using to control the traffic. Therefore, the traffic control systems are innovated. These system operators have to do many cognitive jobs to manage these systems. CWA as a framework to improve the design of these systems has introduced in this paper to analyze them.

Material and Methods: CTA recognizes the restrictions of system throughout the 5 phases that begin with work domain analysis and ends in necessary personal qualification. Task analysis, strategy analysis and investigating the cooperation and organizations are between paces, respect.

Results: the results of this investigation consist of outline of the technique CWA, work domain analysis, decision ladders, details of relevant indicators, strategies, Information Flow Map (IFM), to frame the social organization and cooperation, and worker qualification analysis.

Conclusion: The results of this study may used in selection and training the mentioned systems operators. The main reason is to use the experienced staff with high cognitive abilities in working with these systems. Otherwise, it can result in waste the organization money and energy. The operator decision making is more dependent on the information process, the operator also needs to have higher cognitive abilities. Strong visual search, timing and problem solving are perquisites of this job opportunity.

Iraj Alimohammad, Reza Pourbabaki, Kazem Rahmani, Mehrdad Souri, Fakhradin Ahmadi Kanrash,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Objectives: Studies have shown the effect of smoking on mental and cognitive performance of the individuals who need to concentrate on their work. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of smoking on cognitive performance of the automotive industry workers. 
Methods: In this case-control study conducted in 2018, 280 automotive industry workers were selected through the simple random sampling and then assigned to  two groups of smokers (100 cases) and non-smokers (180 controls). All the subjects were selected from the environments with the sound levels of 82 to 88 dB. The workers’ cognitive performance was also tested using the CPT, Stroop and Tower of London tests.
Results: The mean age of the case group was 36/02 (3/7) and that of the control group was 36/25 (3/65) years. The results showed that the scores of the TOL test in the case group (smokers) were lower than those of the non-smokers (OR=0/903, P<0.01), and other items of the TOL test had no significant relationship with the individuals’ smoking status (P>0/05). The Stroop and continuous performance tests also had a significant relationship with the individuals’ smoking status in terms of the number of correct responses and the response time as well as interference (P<0.01). Other items had no relationship with the individuals’ smoking status (P>0/05).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the use of cigarettes and nicotine substances significantly decreased the workers’ mental and intellectual performance, and smokers were more likely to suffer from concentration interference, low brain processing speed in decision-making, and low precision at work, compared to non-smokers.


Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian, - Bahram Kouhnavard,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: Electroencephalography is one of the non-invasive and relatively inexpensive methods that can be used to evaluate neurophysiology and cognitive functions. This systematic review study was performed with the aim of using electroencephalography (EEG) in ergonomics.
Methods: In this review study, all articles published in Persian and English on the application of electroencephalography (EEG) in ergonomics from March 20, 2010 to March 21, 2021 were reviewed. For this purpose, a systematic search of articles was performed using the keywords cognitive ergonomics, mental fatigue, electroencephalography, EEG and brain waves in the databases of PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of science, SID, Scopus, Magiran Iran Medex.
Results: Most studies were conducted between 2015 and 2020 (41 papers) and most of the subjects were car drivers. Selected articles were reviewed in seven areas of mental fatigue, mental workload, mental effort, visual fatigue, working memory load, emotions, stress, and error diagnosis. The journal Perceptual and Motor Skills, followed by Applied Ergonomics, published the largest number of related articles.
Conclusion: In the reviewed articles, the assessment of a person's mental states, especially when driving a vehicle, has been further studied and through it, tracking, monitoring and various tasks of working memory have been followed. Future research should focus on the use of computational methods that take into account the dynamic and unstable nature of EEG data. Such an approach could facilitate the development of fatigue detection systems and automated adaptive systems.

Raha Seidi, Mahnaz Saremi, Azam Malekighahfarokhi, Mahshid Namdari,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (7-2024)

Objectives: User engagement with digital technologies refers to the sense of belonging and individual satisfaction. Visual aesthetics, characterized by simplicity and diversity, plays a crucial role in the design of products and online sales strategies. This study investigates the relationship between visual aesthetics and user engagement with in a selected social network.
Methods: This correlational descriptive-analytical study examines the attractiveness of two pages with similar educational content but differing visual aesthetics criteria on one of the social networks. The first page (Researcher-made page) exhibits higher standards of attractiveness compared to the second page (Basic page). Data were collected through online questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The study involved 116 participants, of whom 91 (78.4%) were female, with an average age of 26.8 ± 2.54 years. The majority of participants held a bachelor's degree (57.8%). The average visual aesthetics scores for the content pages (Researcher-made page) and (Basic page) were 95/92 and 84/9, respectively, indicating that Researcher-made page had greater visual appeal. Furthermore, the user engagement scores for Researcher-made page and Basic page were 107/9 and 100/02, respectively. A significant positive correlation was found between visual appeal and user engagement on both pages (P<0.001), while no significant relationship was observed between gender or education level and these metrics (P>0.05).
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that the visual aesthetics of virtual content pages has a significant impact on user engagement. These findings underscore the importance of adhering to attractiveness criteria in content design, which can be beneficial for content creators, managers, and business owners.

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