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Showing 1 results for Anthropometric Engineering

Arezoo Sammak Amani, Mohammad Amin Mououdi, Morteza Mahdavi, Fariba Ghaempanah,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (12-2021)

Background and Objectives: For many employees, students and “Behind the desk jobs”, most of the daily work is done while sitting on a chair and behind a desk. This happens while many studies are associating long-term sedentary posture with musculoskeletal and cardiovascular diseases, etc. The aim of the present research is to design a tool that helps to change the working posture of people who work at sedentary workstations from sitting to stand-sit posture.
Methods: The measurements needed to design a desk converter were extracted from the existing anthropometric data of the Iranian community between the ages of 6-19 and 20-60 for both sexes, using 4 anthropometric parameters of elbow (to floor) height sitting, eye height sitting, elbow height standing and eye height standing. These values were used to obtain the difference between the required work surface of the hand while sitting and standing (keyboard position) and the difference of the required work surface of the eye while sitting and standing (display position). Due to the adjustability of this tool, 5th percentile of women and 95th percentile of men were used to achieve the required range of changes.
Results: The desk converter constitutes two parts, 1. Top surface (meant for monitor) and 2. the keyboard tray. The difference in the height of these two surfaces was calculated 12cm. The maximum height of the desk converter (adjustable range) for both age groups was 68 cm due to changes in sitting and standing elbow height. The width and depth of the desk are set at 90 by 50 cm, and the keyboard and mouse surface, with a width equal to the desk’s and a depth of 20 cm, creates sufficient and comfortable space for users.
Conclusion: It is envisioned that by using this tool and changing the posture of individuals from an entirely sitting posture to standing and sitting alternation, a contribution to the reduction of musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer problems can be made.

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