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Dr Siavash Etemadi Nejad, Saed Ahmadi Ganjeh, Dr Jamshid Yazdani Charati, Dr Seyed Esmaeil Hoseininejad,
Volume 6, Issue 4 ( Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2019)

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of unstable shoes on lower limb kinetic parameters of walking in healthy male students with different geometric shapes. Today, various shoes have been developed to reduce the effects of injury parameters and improve performance parameters for walking.
Methods: 20 of the healthy male lambs were selected 178.96 ± 3.92 cm, 27 ± 3 years old, 73.99 ± 6.6 kg and 42 (EU) number, in four position, domestic production unstable shoes , foreign Similar unstable shoes, regular control shoes, and barefoot, The Kinetic parameters associated with Lower limbs was evaluated by force plate while walking. To examine the significant statistical differences between dependent variables between the four conditions of foot cover, the general linear model and the analysis of variance with repeated data and / or Friedman in the case of normalization of data in the alpha level of 5% using software version 23 SPSS was used.
Results: In relation to the kenetic parameters of the lower extremity, there was no change in the peak Postereior Force and the peak active force in the case when there was a significant change in the peak passive force and  peak anterior Force and and the free movment and loading rate.
Conculosion: The results indicate to the domestic production unstable shoes inefficiency  in reducing the damage and increasing the comfort of the lower limbs.

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