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Showing 3 results for Hassanzadeh-Rangi

Narmin Hassanzadeh-Rangi, Yahya Khosravi,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Journal of Ergonomics 2015)

Introduction: The introduction of a thematic framework is necessary for the field of ergonomics and human factors. Content analysis is a useful tool for the trend analysis and distribution of published articles however, reports on the content analysis of ergonomics journals are rare. The present study was conducted to identify research trends in the journal of Human Factors through a content analysis of its recent articles published over the past ten years (2005-2014).

Materials and Methods: The present study used the directed content analysis method. Two analysis experts classified 741 articles based on their thematic codes. A conceptual framework was used to perform the content analysis. EXCEL 2007 and SPSS-19 were used for the data preparation, theme distribution and trend analysis of the published themes.

Results: From the total of 21 themes extracted, six themes defined over 50% of the variance in the published articles, including “Biomechanics, Anthropometry and Work Physiology", "Display and Control Design", "Surface Transportation Systems", "Cognitive Processes", "Attentional Processes" and "Sensory, Perceptual and Psychomotor Processes". The journal had a special focus on "Biomechanics, Anthropometry and Work Physiology" (about 12%). 

Conclusion: The thematic framework and distribution pattern noticed in this study can be used for planning education and research on human factors and ergonomics in universities, research centers and related organizations.

Narmin Hassanzadeh-Rangi, Yahya Khosravi, Ali Asghar Farshad, Hamed Jalilian,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Journal of Ergonomics 2017)

Introduction: Metro driving is one of the newest jobs in Iran. Due to the lack of studies about train driversworkload, there is no comprehensive information about factors that effect workload. This study aimed at analyzing the factors that may effect driver workload, in order to recommend control measures.

Methods: In this mixed method study, data generation was done through field observations, document reviews, individual interviews, focus group interviews, and focus group discussions. In order to perform field data collection, the institute for occupational ergonomics and CCD Design and Ergonomics Ltds developed tools were used. Directed content analysis was used for qualitative data analysis.

Results: Overall, 65 factors were extracted as the factors that may effect driver workload. The extracted factors were drawn on a fishbone diagram, over 8 categories, including management, supervision and organizational climate, infrastructure, job design, journey, and environmental as distal factors and time pressure, information exchanges, and individual factors as proximal factors.

Conclusions: Some of the distal factors are the nature of an urban transport system, so the only amendment is compensatory programs, and some of them could be resolved by long-term plans. Workload of train drivers could be reduced with a focus on the proximal factors in the short-term, and the distal factors in the long-term.

Narges Eshaghi, Narmin Hassanzadeh-Rangi, Yahya Khosravi,
Volume 12, Issue 2 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2024)

Objectives: Scientometrics is a research field that examines and analyzes scientific trends and patterns in various scientific journals. This study aims to analyze the content of articles published in the Journal of Applied Ergonomics in the last ten years and determine the distribution pattern of the articles according to the themes extracted.
Methods: Using the method of directed content analysis, the number of 2,148 articles published in the last 10 years were extracted from the "Journal of Applied Ergonomics" website and categorized according to the topic, the nationality of the authors, and the year of publication. For the topic categories of articles, the existing categories of published articles and the topic tree schema of the article submission website of selected international journals were used. EXCEL 2021 software was used for data preparation and analysis.
Results: Among the twenty-two extracted topics, three main topics, including "Physio-psychological Status and Occupational Factors," "Human-machine interaction, Human-computer interaction", and "Ergonomic product and service design" elucidated approximately 50% of the variance in published articles in this reputable journal under study. Among these, there was a particular emphasis on the topic of "Physio-psychological status and occupational factors." The subjects of "Physio-psychological status and occupational factors," "Human-machine interaction," and "Human-computer interaction" have had an upward trend in recent years. Moreover, authors from the United States of America, with 25.84% frequency, have contributed the most to the publication of articles in this Journal.
Conclusion: The thematic framework and distribution patterns extracted in this study can contribute to the educational and research planning in the field of professional health for universities, research centers, and relevant organizations. These findings can guide strategic decisions and support targeted efforts to advance ergonomic practices and the dissemination of knowledge within the field.

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