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Showing 3 results for Hasani

Mehrdad Hajihasani, Manizhe Kave,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (Journal of Ergonomics 2016)

Introduction: work engagement is a stable and positive state of mind associated with work, which protects against job burnout. This study was conducted to determine the contribution of goal orientation, perceived organizational support and Big Five personality traits in predicting job motivation of female teachers in Shahrekord, Iran.

Methods: The design of the study was correlational-survey. The sample included 230 female teachers in Shahrekord, teaching in high school during 2013-2014. The sample of the study was selected by cluster sampling. To collect data, goal-orientation, perceived organizational support, five factor inventory and job work engagement were administered to the participants.

Results: Correlation and step regression analyses were utilized to analyze the data. Findings of the study showed that there was a significant relationship among goal-orientation, perceived organizational support, Big Five personality traits and work engagement (P < 0.01). Furthermore, multiple regression analysis revealed that linear combination of goal orientation, perceived organizational support and Big Five personality traits could predict work engagement of teachers )P≤0.01).

Conclusions: the present study indicated that different components of personality, goal-orientation and perceived organizational support can create work engagement.

Rahmkhoda Javadi, Mohsen Rasouli, Jafar Hasani,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2019)

Background and Objectives: Quality of work life is one of the most important factors in promotion of teachers and having them continue their jobs. This study aimed at designing and evaluating a questionnaire for teachers’ work life quality. 
Methods: In this research, a sequential exploratory approach (instrument editing model) was used and in the qualitative stage, a semi-structured interview method was used to determine the quality of life of teachers. In the qualitative stage, indices of work life quality were identified using semi-structured interviews with 12 teachers (9 men and 3 women) of Karaj city (2014-2015 educational year) selected through purposive sampling method. The qualitative data was analyzed using Straus and Corbin method. Subsequently, a questionnaire of teachers’ working life quality was constructed based on these indices and was validiated in the quantitative stage.
Results: Content validity was confirmed by five experts using content validity index. A sample of 760 (387women) teachers selected through multistage cluster sampling were handed out two questionnaires including a researcher-made questionnaire of teachers quality of working life and Walton (1973) quality of work life questionnaire. Construct validity of the research-made questionnaire was examined using exploratory factor analysis. Eight factors were extracted and confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Fit indices of model indicate compliance. Convergent validity was confirmed by its correlation with the quality of work life questionnaire (P<0.01). Reliability was confirmed by calculating Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (0/74-0/88).
Conclusion: The results of the study indicated that the researcher-made questionnaire with regard to its design in the job context of Iranian teachers, with 54 items, is an appropriate tool for assessing the quality of their working life.


Ali Salmaninejaad, Maryam Hasani, Sahar Rezaian,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2023)

Objectives: Psychological load, such as workload, not only disrupts work performance but can also directly affect employee safety leadin to accidents. However, despite this issue, not much effort has been made to develop an assessment tool to measure the psychological burden related to the occupational safety and health of employees. Therefore, the present study was designed to validate the psychological burden scale of workers by Kim et al. (2018) from the perspective of occupational health and safety.
Methods: The statistical population of the research consisted of all the workers employed in the Eastern Alborz Company of Shahroud city, and 349 workers participated in the research using a simple random sampling method. In the present study, the mental load scale by Kim et al. (2018), the Copenhagen psychosocial scale (COPSOQ), and the occupational stress scale (HSE) were used. The data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficient tests and confirmatory factor analysis using SPSS version 22 statistical software and Lisrel version 8.5.
Results: The results showed that all the components of workers' psychological burden including the overall score and the psychosocial scale and occupational stress scale have a positive and significant relationship. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis also indicated a good fit of the model in determining the factors in the initial form as proposed by Kim et al. (2018). To determine the reliability of the scale, the value of Pearson's correlation coefficient was obtained at 0.82 in the test and retest phases. Additionally, the results of this study showed that 26.1 percent of workers experienced low psychological burden, 49.6 percent experienced moderate psychological burden, and 24.4 percent experienced severe psychological burden.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the current research, the workers' mental burden scale (Kim et al., 2018) is a valid and reliable tool that can be used to evaluate the psychological burden of workers in research and intervention studies.

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