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Showing 1 results for Hajizadeh

Dr Adel Mazloumi, Leila Hajizadeh, Vafa Feyzi,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2019)

Background and Objectives: These days, due to increasing of old people’s population, elderly is a world widely issue. According to World Health Organization (WHO) people older than 60 years old are called elderly. Becoming old leads to decline in physical ability and increase in physical limitations and therefore there is a need for matching the environment with elderly users. The aim of this study is to develop and valid of check lists for screening the environment risk factor and assessing of elderly functional ability for environment and tools designing.  
Methods: Present study is an analytical and descriptive study, which was performed in 20 houses for old people in Lar city. Data collection was done on existing articles and checklists, and also interview and observation with elderly. Existing checklist was evaluated in validity and reliability with high acceptable level.  
Results: Based on findings of this study, height of mirror of wash-stand, height of wash-stand, dimension of yard and doorway was considered in ergonomics risk factors checklist. Items like opening door personally was involved in Functional Ability checklist. Validity score was lower than 0.78. 
Conclusion: According to findings, it’s necessary to consider elderly limitations and ability in designing environment and tools in order to resolve their problems and increase their quality of life.

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