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Showing 1 results for Ghafari

Ali Arabian, Bahador Makkiabadi, Sadegh Masjoodi, Kamal Azam, Ehsan Ghafari, Ebrahim Torabi Nassaj, Seyed Abolfazl Zakerian,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2019)

Background and Objectives: In recent years, due to the rapid growth of metropolitan cities and the shortage of urban public transport means, including urban bus transportation, many people are forced to travel in a standing position when using these vehicles. This situation may cause pain and discomfort and non-collision injuries for passengers. The purpose of this study was ergonomic assessment of the sit-standing seat in passengers standing on urban buses.
Methods: To do this study, 8 young people with a mean age of 25.25±2.12 years were enrolled. For evaluation and assessing the effect of sit-standing seat two methods of surface Electromyography (sEMG) and Borg scale scores were applied in Fall 2018. The data was analyzed using SPSS 24.
Results: In all body parts, except for the hip, the mean scoring of Borg’s scale for perceived discomfort in sit-standing position was less than standing position. Also, the amount of contractile activity of the leg muscles in sit-standing position was significantly lower than the standing position (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Considering the results obtained from the Borg scale scores and the contraction activity of the leg muscles as a result of the use of the mentioned seat, which led to a reduction in the level of discomfort and the leg muscles contraction, it is recommended to apply the sit-stand seat instead of being in a standing position.

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