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Showing 2 results for Faghih

Fatemeh Faghih, Mohammad Hassani,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2019)

Background and Objectives: The ethic-based culture is the predictor of ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Ethical culture enhances our awareness of our activities and can also increase our awareness of our bilateral commitments to the organization and therefore focus on what is important in an organizational setting. The present research aimed at investigating the relationship between the ethical culture with a tendency to ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior by examining the mediating role of the person’s organization in the staff of Urmia University.
Methods: This descriptive correlation study is a structural equation modeling model. The statistical population of this study consisted of all 503 high school graduates of Urmia University in 2018. Based on the stratified random sampling method, 217 individuals were selected. Standard questionnaires were used to collect information. Data analysis was performed using descriptive indexes and structural equation modeling method.
Results: Based on the results there is a positive and significant relationship between ethical culture with ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior. Also, the direct and significant impact of ethical culture on the individual-organizational adaptability was confirmed. The results also showed that the individual-organizational adaptability has a positive and significant relationship with ethical and organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition, the role of mediation of this variable (individual-organizational adaptability) in the relation between the ethical culture with two other variables (ethical and organizational citizenship behaviors) was also confirmed based on the findings of the research.
Conclusion: Based on the findings, it can be concluded that ethical culture directly promotes personal-organizational fit. In addition, confirming the mediating role of the individual-organization fit ethical culture has an indirect, positive and significant effect on ethical behavior and organizational citizenship behavior.

Salman Khazaei, Mobin Faghih Soleimani, Saman Khosronejad, Ali Safdari, Ensiyeh Jenabi, Shokoufeh Eskandari, Erfan Ayubi,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2024)

Objectives: Various causal pathways play a role in the occurrence of depression in healthcare workers. This study aimed to assess the effect of perceived stress and insomnia on depression in healthcare workers using path analysis in Hamadan, Iran.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, healthcare workers from Shahid Beheshti and Sina hospitals in Hamedan in 2023 were recruited. Perceived stress with two subscales of perceived helplessness and perceived self-efficacy, as well as insomnia and depression, were investigated using validated questionnaires. The path analysis was applied to assess the association.
Results: In total, 235 healthcare workers (35.7% nurses) were included. Gender, age, monthly working hours, and number of night shifts per month had a significant impact on depression (P<0.05). Path analysis demonstrated that except for the effect of perceived self-efficacy on insomnia, all standardized regression weights for relationships were statistically significant (P<0.05). The effect size of perceived helplessness on depression was the strongest compared to other relationships (standardized regression weight = 0.40). The direct effect of perceived helplessness and perceived self-efficacy on depression or insomnia as a mediator had a good fit to the data.
Conclusion: As evidenced by the obtained results, with the implementation of intervention and preventive programs to reduce stress and improve sleep, the occurrence of depression in healthcare workers is expected to decrease significantly.

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