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Showing 3 results for Fadaei

Mahdi Homayounfar, Mehdi Fadaei Eshkiki, Rouzbeh Sedaghat,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (Journal of Ergonomics 2018)

Background: Safety and safety behaviors, especially in hard and harmful jobs are among the most critical issues ahead manufacturing industries in developing countries. This research has been developed to investigate the affecting elements on safety behaviors of workers in hard and harmful jobs in manufacturing industries of Guilan province.
Methods: The method of this research is descriptive and its purpose is practical. The statistical population of the research includes workers in hard and harmful jobs in casting and pressing department of manufacturing industries of Guilan province were 384 out of them were chosen as sample through non-random sampling and using Morgan table due to the unavailability of the people and, required data were collected using the questionnaire. After validity (content) and reliability test of the questionnaire and describing the research variables using SPSS, the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling method and based on LISREL 8.5.
Results: Findings indicate that the effect of safety management system practices on safety compliance and motivation; ethical leadership on safety acceptance and participation; self-efficacy on safety motivation and acceptance; and safety compliance on safety acceptance and participation are verified; however the effect of safety management system practic  on safety compliance, self-efficacy on safety participation and ethical leadership on safety acceptance do not verified. The results indicate that the model variables explains 68.8% of safety behavior variations.
Conclusion: Self efficacy has the highest indirect effect on safety behavior (safety acceptance and participation) which both of these effects mediate by safety motivation. Thus, empowering the self-efficacy will increase safety behaviors.


Zahra Ordudari, Farzane Fadaei, Ehsanolah Habibi, Akbar Hassanzadeh,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2019)

Background and Objectives: Musculoskeletal disorders cause about half of all work-related disease, and are the major cause of loss of time, increased costs, and labor injury. This study aims to evaluate the workload and its association with the prevalence of wrist disorders. It was carried out in the assembly workers of a manufacturing industry.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 female workers employed. Theit mental workload, physical workload and prevalence of wrist MSDs were evaluated using the NASA-TLX, the OCRA method and the Nordic wrist and hand scan questionnaire respectively.
Results: The NASA-TLX showed that the physical demands and effort with mean scores of 78.79 and 78.37 were respectively the most important subjective mental workload (SMWL) scale. Also The results on the basis of the OCRA risk level showed that the highest right-hand risk was at risk level 3 and the highest left-hand risk was at risk level 1 .The Statistical analysis showed that OCRA risk levels and mean scale physical demands and efforts were significantly higher in those with wrist pain than those without pain (P<0.05).There was a direct correlation between the severity of the wrist pain with the OCRA risk index in both hands (P=0.001) and the total score of NASA (r=0.232, P<0.05).
Conclusion: It was revealed that mental load was high in assembly lines of the manufacturing industry and this result was also confirmed by physical evaluation. This study indicated that overall score of SMWL can affect the incidence of MSDs. That is why mental workload should be considered as a risk factor for MSDs.

Mehdi Fadaei, Mahdi Homayounfar, Mansour Soufi, Amir Daneshvar,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2022)

Objectives: Considering the importance of employees' behavior in service organizations and its significant impact on their success and failure, the present study investigates the environmental and ergonomic factors affecting the mental health and behavior of employees in one of the branches of Islamic Azad University.
Methods: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data gathering and analysis. The statistical population of the study includes: 315 employees of Rasht Branch of Azad University, out of them 196 people were selected by random sampling method and the necessary data were collected using a questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and SMART PLS3 software were used to test the hypotheses.
Results: According to the findings, workplace layout affects on use of work equipment (0.389), use of office chair (0.252) and environmental conditions (0.538), but the effect of workplace layout on the posture of employees was not confirmed in 5 percent significance level. Also, the effect of posture (0.586), layout (0.440), work equipment (0.458), office chair (0.345) and environmental conditions (0.550) on public health and also the effect of general health (0.690) and environmental conditions (0.158) on employees’ behavior is significant. Examining the indirect relationships of the research model also shows that workplace layout affects employee behavior through the general health and environmental conditions. Workplace layout influences employees’ behavior through work equipment, office chair, environment conditions and general health.
Conclusion: The indirect effect of workplace layout on employees’ behavior through public health has the highest impact (0.304), therefore, making policies for the general health, can improve employees’ behavior.

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