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Author Guidelines

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Author Guidelines

The Iranian Journal of Ergonomics is a peer-reviewed quarterly publication which will publish articles relevant to different aspects of Ergonomics including Environmental Ergonomics, Physical Ergonomics, Cognitive Ergonomics and Human Error, Macro-ergonomics, Work Physiology, Anthropometry, Biomechanics, Ergonomic Design as well as Occupational Health and Safety issues. Our goals are specifically to provide a platform for interchanging scientific experiences and debates and to address the findings of original studies conducted on the above mentioned fields.
1- The official language of the journal is Persian.
The manuscript should be original research work of the author(s) and have not been published or considered for publication in any other journals.

2- The corresponding author should submit the manuscript together with a cover letter confirming that the same work has not been and will not be published nor is presently submitted elsewhere, and that all persons listed as authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper. Responsibility for the accuracy of the material, including appropriate reference to related studies lies entirely with the authors.

3- Based on the policy of the Editorial Board, Original Research Papers, Review Articles, Case Reports and Letter to Editor are considered for publication in this Journal.
Note: Review article is exclusively accepted from well-known, outstanding individuals with substantial number of publications in the relevant subject.

4- Persian grammar should be completely observed. The author(s) should refrain from applying foreign terms which have fluent, commonly used Persian equivalent.

5- The manuscript should be prepared with Microsoft Word software (*.doc or *.docx formats).

6- Authors should submit their manuscript online via the following website address: journal.iehfs.ir.

7- Each manuscript is reviewed by 3 anonymous referees. Approval of 2 reviewers is essential for manuscript acceptance.

8- The editorial board is free to accept, reject, edit or summarize the manuscript.

9- Provision of statement from the Bioethics Committee is essential for clinical trial studies.

10- Any ethical issue including ‘informed consent’ must be addressed and observed where necessary based on Helsinki protocol.

11- Seeking ethical approval is mandatory from an appropriate body, and should be stated in the manuscript.

12- Conflict of interests should also be addressed. In case of any financial support, it is important to mention the name of the respective organization/institute and the project number at the end of the manuscript.

13- The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor decision to accept, reject, or required modifications. If the manuscript is completely acceptable according to the Journal’s manuscript requirements it will be scheduled for the next available issue.

14- Once editing needed, the manuscript accompany with reviewers’ recommendations would be returned to the corresponding author for modification in due time.

15- Once rejected, copies and materials of the manuscript would be disposed and a rejection notification would be sent to the corresponding author. Rejected manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

16- Any contradiction to the above statement will lead to the automatic withdrawal of the manuscript.
1- The manuscript should be typeset with Nazanin font (12).

2- Original articles: Page 1 should contain the title of the article, its author(s), academic rank of the author(s), affiliation(s), keywords, the name, e-mail and postal address of the author to whom correspondence should be sent.

3- Page 2 should include the title, structured abstract with subheadings of Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion, at most with 250 words. Three to five keywords should be indicated after the Abstract. Keywords must be MeSH terms.

4- Each manuscript requires an English structured abstract no longer than 250 words with subheadings of Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Three to five keywords of MeSH terms is necessary.

5- In the following pages, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if necessary) and References are presented. The length of the manuscript should be no longer than 3000 words (without Persian and English abstracts, references and tables).

6- Review article: It should have applied educational content with sufficient number of references. In the beginning of the article applied educational objectives should be noted.

7- Case report: It should include title page, Persian and English unstructured abstracts (no longer than 100 words), key words (Persian and English), Introduction, Case report, Discussion, References and Appendix (if any).

8- Letter to editor: It includes open critical post-publication reviews of a paper, book or proceedings of an ergonomics conference, responding to another writer’s letter to editor and correcting a perceived error or misrepresentation. The length of letter to editor should not be longer than 1500 words. It is not structured but needs English abstract.

9- Abbreviations, acronyms and scientific terms should be noted for the first time in parenthesis next to it in the text but not as footnotes.

10- Tables (at most 5 tables) and Figures (at most 3 figures) must be on separate pages and not embedded in the text. Each should have a title and completely understandable without reading the text. They should be numbered as they appear in the article and referred in the text. The size of tables should be such that they can be inserted in one or two columns of the journal page.

11- Numbers in tables and figures should be in Persian.

12- Figures should be black and white and sharp enough with Bitmap JPG format. In special cases color pictures are printable.
- References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text (Vancouver style).
They should be typeset with Times New Roman font (12).

- All references should be presented in English.
- Only the first six authors followed by et al. are listed.

Persian article: Ansari ST, Mahdavi AB, Sadeghi H. Musculoskeletal disorders among assembly line workers. Iran Occupational Health. 2013;4(2):21-34. [Persian]

English article:Yank V, Rennie D. Shift work related health problems in petrochemical industries. Occup Environ Med. 2011;56(8):520-6.

Book: Godlee F, Jefferson T. Peer Review in Health Sciences. London: BMJ Books; 1999.Chapter of a book:Philips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laraph JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathology, diagnosis management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 2005; pp. 465-478.

Translated book:Mosavi N. (In translation) Surveys in Social Research. Smith MP. 3rd Ed. Tehran: Fajr Press. 2005: 534-541.

Conference proceedings: Harnden P, Joffe JK, Jones WG, editors. Germ cell tumors V. Proceedings of the 5th Germ Cell Tumor Conference; 2001 Sep 13-15; Leeds, UK. New York: Springer; 2002.Thesis:Almasi R. Epidemiological study of work-related musculoskeletal disorders [MSc thesis]. Shiraz University of Medical Sciences; 2012.Materials from the Internet:a)

Electronic journal: 
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 1 p.]. Available from:http://www.nursingworld.org/AJN/2002/june/Wawatch.htmArticle b)

Electronic monograph: 
Foley KM, Gelband H, editors. Improving palliative care for cancer [Internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 2001 [cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from: http://www.nap.edu/books/0309074029/html/. 

For other types of references the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (see here) should be consulted.Manuscripts that do not conform to these guidelines may be returned to the author prior to editorial evaluation. 
The journal is open access without any charge for publication and has a rapid peer review system. Do Notice that the papers published within this journal are subject to Copy Right. Although the access to all articles is open and free for everyone, Papers can only be used as said below:
1- The content of the journal is only for academic use. Researchers and authors can use the content of the journal if only they cite it properly.
2- The content may be used only for not-commercial uses. Sale, resale, license, loan, transfer or any other form of commercial exploitation are prohibited. 
3- Attribution is allowed if the work is acknowledged. It is acceptable only if it happens in form of a link-using the article DOI.
4- The author may do whatever he/she wishes with the version of the article submitted to the journal. Once the article has been accepted for publication, the author may post the accepted version of the article on his/her own personal website, his/her department's website.
5- The work published in this journal is attributed licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-noncommercial 4.0 International License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's author.


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