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Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors

The Iranian Journal of Ergonomics is an open access and a peer-reviewed quarterly journal of the Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. Iranian Journal of Ergonomics was first published in 2002. The journal's official language is Persian with English extended abstracts and references. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of Ergonomics, the journal allows for the publication of research findings in various areas such as environmental ergonomics, physical ergonomics, cognitive ergonomics and human errors, macroergonomics, work physiology, anthropometry, biomechanics, and ergonomic design. Publication should describe original work, not previously published elsewhere, totally or partly. Manuscript submission to this journal proceeds totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files. Please follow these instructions carefully to ensure that the review of your manuscript is as efficient as possible.

Manuscript Submission
Online submission is the only mechanism for sending manuscript to the journal. First-users must Create an Account on the navigation menu at the right of the screen. After registration, authors can login and follow the submission process and upload their manuscript. The submission tool generates an automatic reply which incorporates the manuscript code for future correspondence. If there are any problems, please contact Managing Editor through ergoumsha.ac.ir (or ergonomi.bgmail.comemail address or contact +98 81 3838 0398 (Internal number: 139).

Article Type
The journal welcomes submissions of various types including Research/Original Articles, Brief Reports, Review Articles, Systematic Review and Letter to Editor.
A) Research/Original Articles: 
These drafts should include a title page, abstract, sections on introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, authors' contribution, financial resources, references, an English abstract, and appendices (tables, graphs, and images). The total word count for the text of original quantitative research drafts (excluding abstract, references, and tables) should not exceed 3000 words; this limit for original qualitative research drafts can be increased to 4000 words. The maximum number of references is 30. The maximum allowed number of tables and graphs in quantitative drafts is 5, and in qualitative drafts, a total of 4 tables or graphs is permitted.
B) Brief Report: 
These types of drafts are short reports of original and unique research studies or initial results of interventions. Structurally, these drafts are similar to original research drafts and should include a title page, abstract, introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, conflict of interest, financial sources, references, abstract in English, and appendices (tables, charts, and images). The total word count of the text in brief report drafts (excluding abstract, references, and tables) should not exceed 2000 words. The maximum number of references is 15 sources. The maximum number of allowed tables and charts is 2.

C) Review Articles: These review articles should include a title page, abstract, introduction, topics covered, method, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest, references, an abstract in English, and supplements (tables, graphs, images). Review articles authored by experts and experienced researchers with multiple publications in the relevant field have a higher chance of acceptance and publication. The maximum word count for the text of review articles (excluding abstract, references, and tables) should not exceed 5000 words. The maximum number of references should be 50-70, and of those, 3-5 references should be from the author's previous work in this field. There is no specific limit for the number of tables and images in these review articles.
D) Systematic Review Articles: These protocols can be in the form of meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, or non-statistical analysis. These drafts should be prepared and submitted based on international guidelines for systematic review articles, such as PRISMA and MOOSE, tailored to the type of drafts under consideration. The total word count of the text in systematic review drafts should not exceed 4000 words. The maximum number of sources should be 70-50, with 5-3 of those sources being from previous drafts by the author/authors in this field.
E) Letters to Editor: Must be a critique of an article published in the Iranian Ergonomics Journal. The total number of words in the letter to the editor should not exceed 250-750 words. Maximum of 5 references allowed.
F) Policy Brief: Policy briefs are a policy tool that can succinctly provide evidence and practical recommendations to assist decision-making processes for time-constrained policymakers. Structurally, these drafts should include a title page, abstract in both Persian and English, sections for introduction, policy recommendations, conclusion, references, and annexes (tables, charts, and images). The total word count for the text of policy briefs (excluding abstract, references, and tables) should not exceed 1500 words. The abstract for this category of articles should be around 200 words and can be written in a non-structured manner. The maximum number of references is 5 sources. The maximum number of tables and figures allowed is 2.

Preparation of Manuscript
The manuscripts submitted to the Iranian Journal of Ergonomics must be prepared and submitted according to the following points:
- It is necessary that the draft file be typed in Microsoft Word version 2007 or higher and saved in the doc or docx format.
- The draft should be writin on plain A4 size page, with a line spacing of 1.5 cm and a margin of 2.5 cm on all sides.
- Persian drafts should be typed in B Nazanin-12 font-size, and English drafts (including English abstract) should be typed in Calibri-11 font-size.
- It is recommended that images be designed as separate files (images in JPEG or GIF format and graphs in .xlsx or .xls format) and sent in the attachments section.
The cover letter, must be enclosed with the article. All submissions should be arranged and submitted as single file including:

Title Page: The title page should be included the following items: type of manuscript, title in Persian and English languages, running title, author(s) name(s) and institutional affiliations including departments, research center, institution, university, city and country; corresponding Author's postal address, cell-phone number, and e-mail address; institution phone and fax numbers all written both in English and Persian. The ORCID code link must be provided for the first and the corresponding author.
This section is derived from the entire article and should be structured in a paragraph of about 250 words or less. The abstract of submitted drafts should include the sections on objectives, method, results, and conclusion. At the end of the Persian abstract, 3 to 5 keywords should be introduced.
It is essential that the English abstract be written in accordance with the Persian abstract and include the sections on Objectives, Method, Results, and Conclusion. At the end of the English abstract, keywords should be mentioned using the MeSH template. To search for keywords in the MeSH system, you can access the following link:

Extended English Abstract: The extended abstract should be written in English and have a maximum of 850 to 1000 words. It should have subheadings like the main article and emphasize on the methodology and results of the article. The extended abstract should have the following structure: Background and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. In the initial stage of submitting a manuscript, it is not necessary for all submitted manuscripts to have an extended abstract because an extended abstract is required for articles that have been accepted.
1- Introduction
The introduction should contain a summary of studies and observations related to the research, addressing two issues: 1) what we know about the research topic, 2) what we do not know about the research topic, and ultimately stating the study objective (to reduce ambiguities on the subject) considering the unclear points of the research. Additionally, it is necessary to use new sources in writing the introduction text. Note: Foreign terms in other languages should be accompanied by their precise and elegant equivalents in Persian, and the full name of the term or phrase used in English should be written in parentheses within the text, avoiding reference to the equivalent in other languages as subscript.
2- Methodology
In this section, the steps of conducting the research should be described in sufficient detail regarding the tools and methods used, so that other researchers can replicate a similar study by following the pattern. It is essential to outline the selection process of samples/participants, criteria for their inclusion and exclusion, tools and equipment used, along with a precise description of their validity and utilization (with references to reputable studies), as well as the statistical methods and statistical software used.
Ethical Guidelines:
If a study has involved any contact with human subjects, authors should state in their Methods section that their institution's review board has approved the study proposal, as well as the manner in which informed consent was obtained from subjects. Authors should follow the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association. Indicate in the text that the maintenance and care of experimental animals complies with National Institutes of Health guidelines for the humane use of laboratory animals, or those of your Institute or agency. In clinical trials Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT) number is required.
3- Results
This section should be presented in the form of text, tables, charts, and images. The following points must be observed in this section:
- The table title should be placed elegantly and completely at the top of the table and within the main text (avoid placing it at the end of the manuscript). Also, the complete equivalent of the abbreviated words used in the table should be mentioned. It is essential that the table in the article text is referenced with a number.
- The title of the image/chart should be fully mapped below the image/chart (avoid placing it at the end of the manuscript). Also, the complete equivalent of the abbreviated words used in the image/chart should be immediately after the descriptions and mentioned below the image/chart title. It is essential that the image/chart in the manuscript is referenced with a number.
- In Persian drafts, numbers inside tables and numbers on the axes of the charts should be created in Persian, using the B Nazanin font, preferably with a size of 8.
- The total number of tables and charts should be considered a maximum of 5.
- The use of tables, charts, and images in other publications requires obtaining formal permission from the authors or publishers, and citing the source is not sufficient.
4- Discussion
This section includes the argumentation of the results, comparison, and explanation of the reasons for the differences found in the research with other studies conducted in Iran and the world. It is necessary that in the final part of the discussion section, the weaknesses and limitations of the current research, the generalizability of the findings, and suggestions for future studies be addressed. Furthermore, it is essential to avoid repeating the findings in this section.
5- Conclusion
The article should have a clear and practical conclusion that is entirely based on the study results. Suggestions for future studies are welcome in this section.

6- Acknowledgements 
In this section, appreciation is extended to individuals and/or organizations who have contributed in some way to the study but do not have their names mentioned in the handwritten author section. The authors should obtain permission to acknowledge from all those mentioned in the Acknowledgments section.This section may include individuals who:
- Collaborated in writing the English abstract and editing the manuscript.
- Respected professors or experts who provided valuable intellectual/educational assistance to the authors within the research scope.
- Individuals who assisted the authors in data collection but did not have another role in the research and article writing stages.
- Organizations and institutions that provided financial support for this research.
- Organizations and institutions that provided equipment and facilities for conducting the research.
- Institutions that granted research permits to the researchers (hospitals, airports, industrial companies, etc.).
- Participants who took part in the research.
If the research and article writing were conducted using an institutional research budget, the institution's name and project registration number should be mentioned at the end of the handwritten section.

7- Conflict of Interest 
Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest, such as receiving payment for an article or obtaining stock or ownership in an organization that may be gained/lost through publication of the article. Any affiliation of authors that may create a conflict of interest with other institutions by publishing the article, leading to their benefit or loss, should also be declared. Otherwise, state the following sentence: "No conflicts of interest exist."

8- Authors' Contributions
Completion shall be made based on the degree and type of contribution of each author.

9- Financial Resources
It is necessary to mention the source of financial resources for conducting the research. If the study is not financially supported by an organization or entity, state the following sentence: "This study has no funding."

10- References
References should be numbered consecutively and must be mentioned in brackets [1]. References should be listed after funding in numbered order following the Vancouver Style in EndNote Software. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the list of journals indexed in 'Journal Database' available from http://www.pubmed.gov. If the journal is not indexed in PubMed, the full name of the journal must be mentioned.
All authors should be listed when six or less; when seven or more, only the first six should be listed and followed by et al.
The unpublished data or manuscripts under review should be excluded from the reference list.

Journal article:
Kadivar MR, Moradi F, Massumi SJ, Shenavar R. Folic Acid Consumption in Fars Province, Southern Iran. J Res Health Sci. 2005; 5(2): 11-4.
Gordis L. Epidemiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2008.
Book chapter:
Greenland S. Introduction to regression modeling. In: Rothman KJ, Greenland S, Lash TL, editors. Modern epidemiology. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2008. pp. 418-55.
Poorolajal J. Assessing the duration of protection provided by hepatitis B vaccine and the need for booster dose: A meta-analysis [Ph.D. thesis]. Tehran: Tehran University of Medical Sciences; 2009.
Joffe M, Santanna J, Feldman H. Partially marginal structural models for causal inference [abstract]. Am J Epidemiol. 2001; 153(suppl): S261.
Poorolajal J, Mahmoodi M, Haghdoost A, Majdzadeh R, Nasseri-Moghaddam S, Fotouhi A, et al. Long-term protection provided by hepatitis B vaccine and need for booster dose: a meta-analysis.  EPS Global-Shanghai 1st International Biomedicine Forum; Sep 10 - Sep 11; Shanghai 2010.
Chan M. Progress in public health during the previous decade and major challenges ahead. WHO; 2010 [updated 18 Jan 2010; cited 10 Jan 2011]; Available from:


Final Proofs
To avoid typographical errors, the article is returned to the corresponding author to be proof-read before the final submission.

Publication Expenses
There are no charges for publication in this journal.

Page Charges
There are no charges for publication in this Journal.
Copyright Notice 
The journal articles are under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Under this license, we retain ownership of the copyright for their content, but permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction of the article in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publisher. For any reuse of redistribution of a work, users must also make clear the license terms under which the work was published. This broad license was developed to facilitate free access to, and unrestricted reuse of, original works, of all types. Applying this standard license to your own work will ensure that it is freely and openly available in perpetuity.    

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