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Volume 11, Issue 4 (Iranian Journal of Ergonomics 2024)                   Iran J Ergon 2024, 11(4): 283-292 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahimi M, Hassani M, Ghalavandi H. Investigating the Mediating Role of Self-efficacy in the Relationship between Role Ambiguity and Perceived Organizational Support on Employees' Well-being Based on JD-R Model. Iran J Ergon 2024; 11 (4) :283-292
URL: http://journal.iehfs.ir/article-1-987-en.html
1- Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
2- Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran , m.hassani@urmia.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1714 Views)
Objectives: Improving employees’ welfare and supporting them has led to the success of the organization. Employees who feel supported by the company will work harder to improve their output and meet the objectives of the company. Finding factors affecting employee well-being has helped organizations to improve performance and achieve success. Therefore, this research has sought to test a model of causal factors affecting employees' well-being with the mediation of self-efficacy among the employees of Razi University of Kermanshah.
Methods: The current applied research was conducted using a descriptive-survey method for data collection. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which was examined for face validity, convergent validity, and differential validity of the variables. Data analysis was done using a structural equation modeling approach with a partial least squares method through Smart PLs3 software. The statistical population (n=490) included all employees of Razi University of Kermanshah, among whom, 215 individuals were selected as a sample using Morgan's table.
Results: The findings showed that perceived organizational support and role ambiguity were effective on employees' well-being both directly and through the mediation of self-efficacy.
Conclusion: According to the research findings, it can be concluded that ambiguity in employee roles lead to higher emotional burnout and lower well-being, while perceived organizational support can enhance both work engagement and well-being.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Received: 2023/11/28 | Accepted: 2024/01/30 | ePublished: 2024/01/30

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